79 Bay St
Double Bay NSW 2028

The best ILCA / Laser sailing club in the world, located in Double Bay on Sydney Harbour.


AGM / 2017-18 Committees

Guest User

The AGM and Presentation is scheduled for 26 May

Its always great night with minimal formality and maximum frivolity. Regarding formality, I will be standing down as Commodore at the AGM.  We have identified a fantastic replacement who will have far greater time and energy to throw at the job than I have recently, so I'm happy that the club will be in better hands than ever.

But, we DBSC could always do with more help.  If you're not sure how you can help out, simply ask myself, Clare, Michael, Andrew or Geoff.  Or anyone else.  We're not big on formalities and titles; we'll give you a role as big or as small as you want. 

Editor's Note:  Originally, known as Grasshopper (1.0) when he was Vice Commodore to Dear Leader, Luke later was given the honorary title of the People's Prince once he snatched the pebbles from Dear Leader and became Commodore, and because of his superb people skills (i.e. he wasn't an engineer).  A fine contributor to the club, and good example to all the kiddies and millennials who have recently joined the club!