79 Bay St
Double Bay NSW 2028

The best ILCA / Laser sailing club in the world, located in Double Bay on Sydney Harbour.


Normal service recommences with Learn to Race


Hi All,
Learn to Race is on again this Saturday morning. This is to make up for last weekend as we couldn’t hold it due to DBSC hosting a regatta. 
We’ll discuss efficient ways to handle the mainsheet and tiller at the same time, hiking technique, boat set-up, boat handling and then some short course sailing. We’ll have two coach boats on the course.
Start time: meet at 9am at DBSC, on the water by 10.15am, return to club by 12 noon.
If you need to hire a boat please fill in the club form online if not already done.
Please let me know by email if you are attending.

Many thanks,

DBSC volunteer coach
+61 410 627 743